• Information for Presenters

General information applicable to all accepted papers

  • All papers must be presented in person. If, for any reason, authors of a paper are unable to attend the conference, they should arrange for someone else to deliver the talk, present the demo, or showcase the poster on their behalf. In those cases, please contact the program chair of your track/workshop.
  • Slack will serve as the primary communication channel with participants both before and during the conference. Please join the MMSys Slack to stay updated by using this linkexternal link.

General information for oral presentations

Applies to ACM MMSys research track, NOSSDAV, MMVE, GMSys:

  • Each oral presentation is allocated a 20-minute slot, which includes time for both the presentation and the Q&A session.
  • Presenters can use their laptops for presentations.

General information for poster presentations

Applies to authors of MMSys ODS, MMSys Demos, MMSys Grand Challenges, MMSys Doctoral Symposium, MMVE poster session:

  • Posters should be printed in A0 portrait format (841mm x 1189mm).
  • Presenters must print their posters and bring them to the conference. Materials for attaching the poster to the board will be provided.
  • There is a shop directly across from the campus where you can have your posters printed. Participants arriving in Bari on Monday will have the entire day to print their posters there, should they prefer not to travel with them. If you require further information on this matter, please don’t hesitate to contact Nunzio at nunzio.barone@poliba.it.

Specific information for MMSys ODS track and MMSys Grand Challenges authors

  • Papers are presented in the form of posters.

Specific information for MMSys Demo authors

  • The work is presented primarily in the form of a technical demo.
  • Authors can request to present posters (optional). Would you decide to present a poster please contact your track chair.

Specific information for Doctoral Symposium authors

  • Authors will present their work in short presentations 5 minutes each in a plenary session.
  • Authors will also present their work in a poster session (see above for information on posters).